Random selection
Transformers - Robots In Disguise #34 (2014-10)
12- Bloodshot Vol.3 - #12
Injustice 2 #48
The Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 - #609
22.- Flashpoint - Batman Knight Of Vengeance #2
20 - Blackest Night - Superman #3-3
Constantine #23
Green Arrow #29
Batwoman #08
Amalgam #09 - Spiderboy
Ms. Marvel - Tomo#02 - #06 - 10
Sonic The Hedgehog #019
Suicide Squad #12
Ultimate Spiderman Vol1 #21
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures 033 (1992)(c2c)(KORE321-DCP)
Transformers [Marvel] - 04 - Generation Two - 02 (1993-12)
Sonic The Hedgehog #058
Sonic el Erizo IDW #027
Sonic X #37
Injustice Ground Zero #14
Injustice. Gods Among Us. Año 5 #21
Transformers [Marvel] - 01 - Generation One - 69 (1990-08)
Devil's Reign #03 - Ghost Rider & Ballistic
Sonic The Hedgehog #258
G.I. Joe - Cobra II #01
The Walking Dead #047
Ultimate Spiderman Vol2 #18
Action Comics #49
Drug Candy - 043
Juez Dredd - Tomo 026 - América (JDM 1.01-07)
Shingeki no Kyojin - Tomo 06
Leyendas de Batman #027 - El Destructor 02
Battle Royale #11
Hellblazer #083
Aphrodite IX #03
Transformers [Marvel] - 01 - Generation One - 52 (1989-05)
The Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 - #691
The Flash Rebirth #3
Deadpool - El Guantelete #12
The Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 - #456
Tales of Leonardo - Blind Sight 03
Kimi Koi Limit - 06
The Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 - #197
Leyendas de Batman #132
Xena - Dark Xena #02
25 Transmetropolitan - Regreso a los Origenes 3 de 8
Lucifer #10 - Infierno (29-35 USA)
Sonic X #28
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